À propos du Fils de Saul : petit dictionnaire des personnages, des lieux et des circonstances

Carlo SalettiHistorien, éditeur & metteur en scène
Paru le : 29.04.2017

ABOUT SON OF SAUL / Saletti’s short lexicon of Son of Saul provides important clarifications with regard to the link between what the film refers to, and what or who the real facts, places and fellows were. It allows us to understand how László Nemes recomposes and mixes the historical elements to give us, in a 103 minutes movie, a coherent vision of both the extermination camp of Birkenau, and the Sonderkommandos’ living conditions. Saletti tracked down which of the characters refer to authentic people; obviously, except Saul Ausländer who is entirely fictional. He also relates the real story of a young woman who survived the gas chamber. Actually, we could consider this short lexicon an excellent pedagogical medium for Holocaust education.

Key words: historical versus fictional references, places, characters, Holocaust lexicon, Holocaust education.


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